Happy Days
The opportunity to relive those happy days at 36 Campus Drive would be thrilling and rewarding. Let me provide a few items for your consideration.
Richard "Dirty" Cooper asked me to go with him to meet Mrs. Henderson, a dress shop owner, as he felt that she might be interested in becoming our House Mother. You know the rest of the story as she was a trememdous asset to our Fraternity.
In 1953, I was responsible for the Homecoming House Decorations. We built a display featuring a football game flash card section. It consisted of three rotating triangular drums with colored parer stapled to each side to form three different pictures. The power to turn the drums and change the picture was provided by the Pledge Master, whom I believe was Don McNinch. Buck Fontain provided the sound system which blared out the fight song, "Hail West Virginia". Many brothers worked on the decorations. John McGee comes to mind as we stapled the paper on and finished up about 5:00 Friday morning. We won first place and it was a pleasure to bring the trophy back to the House, whereupon the brothers threw me in the shower and ruined the only suit I owned.
I recall a casino party held at the House and the Sheriff and a few officers escorted sereral of the participants to the Police Station. They timed it as the party was ending. It was in good fun as the Sheriff's son was one of our brothers and had set up the finale for a great evening.
Len Loudin '52